Thursday, January 15, 2009

Corn Dog Chili muffins, Mac & Cheese, & Fajitas

Well the last week hasn't been to interesting. But I have tried a few recipes off line and mixed some old favorites up a bit.

Starting off.... John loves veggie corn dogs and has been asking me to make them for a while. But instead I made these corn muffins for his lunch and added the chili and vegan smart dogs to them. They turned out really good. Something new and interesting for his normally mundane lunch.

Vegan Chili Corn Muffins
Used this Chili recipe from
Used this Cornbread recipe from Isa on PPK

Then I added some uncooked Smart Dogs (which I am not a fan off) to the chili. Made a little well in the center of the corn muffin and scrapped my spoon into it. I used paper in my muffin tins but that isn't a good idea they stuck really bad. The extra corn bread I put into a mini pie pan. It turned out really good and didn't stick. I think I will add an extra tablespoon of maple syrup next time. They just were not sweet enough for me. The corn bread recipe cooked for about 18 to 20 minutes and made 12 cupcake sized and one mini pie size corn bread. O 'yeah you might want to try to add some Vegan Teese Cheddar cheese. That would probably turn out really good.
The chili wasn't bad. I am not a big fan of cocoa and cinnamon in my chili. But alot of people like that. I will have to post my normal chili recipe soon. I used Boca & Morningstar crumbles instead of TVP. I used some of the chili for fries as well as freezing 2 bowls of it.

Delightful Vegan Mac & Cheese Recipe
Late last week I also tried a vegan mac & cheese recipe from I have never found a vegan mac & cheese recipe that I will eat and I definitely haven't come across one I can say that I like. This is just another one to add the list of weird concoctions. That again some people may like but it just wasn't for me. It had a taste similar to what I remember some breaded chicken to taste like. But then again it has been a very long time since I have had meat so... maybe I am imagining things. It did taste ok. I just couldn't eat more then 10 bites.... But it does have a ton of good reviews so try it you my like it.

Last... I also had a veggie "Fajita" Kinda. I just cooked down a red onion till clear or further till carmalized and 2 green peppers. Added some garlic and that its. Easy and kinda dumb to blog about, but not bad.

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